The invention provides an improved directed complementation method for
generating a conditionally tumorigenic mouse cell. In a directed
complementation method, the tumorigenicity of a conditionally tumorigenic
mouse cell depends on either the expression of an inducible recombinant
oncogene or the expression of a recombinant gene of interest that
functionally complements an uninduced recombinant oncogene. The invention
provides a method of producing a tumorigenic mouse cell containing an
uninduced oncogene, a recombinant gene of interest that functionally
complements the uninduced oncogene, and a Cre-ER system capable of
excising the recombinant gene of interest. When the Cre-ER system is
activated, the recombinant gene of interest is excised. From the effect
on the mouse cell it is possible to determine whether the recombinant
gene of interest is a tumor maintenance gene.