The invention provides a method and system by which research data can be
collected and analyzed during the course of the research testing, and the
research testing itself possibly modified to account for conclusions
drawn from the research data. In a first aspect of the invention, a
research subject can respond to a protocol stored on a server by
manipulating input keys on a remotely located client device onto which a
research protocol has been installed. The protocol can include questions
concerning the subject's physical or mental well being such as whether
their symptoms are relieved or not, or even exacerbated. The protocol can
also include calling for data obtained by coupling the client device with
another medical device such as a glucose monitor. In a preferred
embodiment, the subject is presented with narrowly structured questions
and suggested answers provided by the protocol. The set of possible
answers is restricted. In the event that a suggested answer is ambiguous,
inapplicable or raises new questions, a protocol can present a new
question to the subject.