An apparatus (10) and method for recovering elemental carbon, elemental
sulfur, elemental iron, elemental gold and other elemental materials from
an air flow including a funnel-shaped receptor (14) and an inverted
cone-shape electrode node body (12) spaced from the funnel receptor, a
funnel-shaped reaction zone (45) between the outer surface of the
electrode node body and the inner surface (60) of the receptor for
receiving the air flow, and a plurality of point source electrodes (36)
mounted to the electrode node body (12) and projecting into the reaction
zone (45). The electrode node body (12) and the receptor (14) are
electrically isolated from each other, the receptor (14) is connected to
ground, and a voltage source is electrically connected to the electrode
node body (12). The apparatus and method may be used for treating an air
flow containing pollutants generated from the burning of fossil fuels,
trash and other materials to reduce the oxides to elemental matter and
water and to remove the elemental matter from the air flow, for treating
emissions of coal-operated power plants to improve their efficiency by
recovering carbon from the plant emissions and reusing the recovered
carbon as fuel, to reduce landfill requirements by burning trash in
incinerators and treating the incinerator emissions to recover elemental
material which is then landfilled in far less space than the original
unburned trash, and to produce valuable elemental material such as