New silica gel materials and novel methods of producing such are provided.
The method itself entails a manner of mixing the reactants together in a
one-pot process such that the time required for aging is reduced without
compromising the ability to target pore size production. In such a way,
the pH of the reaction drives pore size development, thereby permitting a
more efficient process to be followed in terms of expensive
drying/heating steps being reduced timewise, if not altogether.
Furthermore, in one embodiment, the resultant gel materials exhibit a
certain pore size minimum while simultaneously exhibiting a degree of
softness heretofore unavailable. As such, not only is this novel method
more efficient in silica gel manufacture, but the resultant materials are
completely novel as well. The gel materials made therefrom may be
utilized in a variety of different end uses, such as cooking oil
filtration, soft skin cleansers, dental abrasives, and the like. Methods
of production and use, as well as the novel gel materials themselves,
particularly caustic and composite gels, are thus encompassed within this