The present invention generally includes a septage treatment system
comprising: (a) a primary treatment process system comprising: (1) a
receiving station to pump the septage from a vehicle; (2) equalization
tank(s) to receive septage from the receiving station; and (3) two or
more mixing and odor control tanks to generate waste activated sludge;
(b) a primary settling tank to generate waste activated sludge; (c) a
secondary treatment process system comprising: (1) aeration tank(s) to
receive waste activated sludge from the primary treatment process system
and to generate water effluent; and (d) a tertiary treatment process
system comprising: (1) wetland ditch(es) to receive water effluent from
the aeration tank and to generate filtered water effluent; (2) wetland
pond(s) to receive filtered water effluent from the wetland ditch(es) and
to generate filtered water effluent; and (3) an aquaculture hydroponics
and sand bed greenhouse to generate filtered water effluent.