An axial flow-type pump apparatus with gas seals for separating immiscible
flowable materials having different specific gravities and a discharge
manifold connected to the fluid pump for drawing off the flowable
material having the heavier specific gravity with greatly improved
efficiency, and pump and apparatus longevity. The flowable material pump
employs a rotatable impeller mechanism having a hollow core and a
decreasing axial pitch in the direction of materials flow. The flowable
materials are introduced into the inlet end of the rotatable impeller to
produce a high velocity swirling action and a low pressure area along the
longitudinal axis of the flow line, to generate a high centrifugal force
as the flowable materials move axially and cause the flowable material
having the heavier specific gravity to migrate to the perimeter while the
lower specific gravity materials migrate to the center of the perimeter,
whereupon they are separately discharged.