Users of network based software applications typically interact with an
application via a command line interface or a menu interface.
Conventional voice-driven communication threads rely on a dedicated
communication line (connection) to maintain a session context, or state,
between a user and an application for the duration of a session. Such
state information enables the application to reference a session context
for the session duration, and employ the session context to maintain a
state from previous atomic messages sent and received between the device
and the application. By maintaining and referencing a session context
indicative of previous messages, an application identifies an atomic
message as corresponding to a particular session context, and employs the
session context to process the message within the context, or
environment, defined by the previous messages in the session. In this
manner, a stateless protocol such as a text messaging protocol is
operable to invoke stateful applications from the stateless
infrastructure by employing the session context defined by the session of
request and response messages.