Nanotechnology methods for creating stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric
substances with unusual combination of properties by lattice level
composition engineering are described. The modified properties described
include electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, dielectric
strength, dielectric loss, polarization, permittivity, critical current,
superconductivity, piezoelectricity, mean free path, curie temperature,
critical magnetic field, permeability, coercive force, magnetostriction,
magnetoresistance, hall coefficient, BHmax, critical temperature, melting
point, boiling point, sublimation point, phase transformation condition,
vapor pressure, anisotropy, adhesion, density, hardness, ductility,
elasticity, porosity, strength, toughness, surface roughness, coefficient
of thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, specific heat, latent heat,
refractive index, absorptivity, emissivity, dispersivity, scattering,
polarization, acidity, basicity, catalysis, reactivity, energy density,
activation energy, free energy, entropy, frequency factor, bioactivity,
biocompatibility, thermal coefficient of any property and pressure
coefficient of any property.