Air based emergency monitor, multimode communication, control and position
finder system with a receiver having multiple inputs for reception and
demodulation of position finder signals to position finder baseband
signals. One or more cameras or microphones or data signal generation
devices, storage devices, and processors for recording or storing and
processing of signals obtained from one or more cameras or microphones or
data signal generation devices. A processor for processing input signals
and for providing cross-correlated shaped in-phase and quadrature-phase
baseband signals. Transceivers for multimode GSM, spread spectrum, CDMA,
OFDM, TDMA and other signals. A receiver and demodulator for reception of
modulated position finder radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted by a
Global Positioning System (GPS) transmitter and a receiver and
demodulator for reception of modulated position finder radio frequency
(RF) signals transmitted by other than a GPS transmitter for providing
the demodulated and receiver processed signal to an emergency unit.An air
based position finding, signal monitor, control and emergency multimode
communication system for use in one or more units located in or on
airplanes, or helicopters, or unmanned vehicles (UV) or balloons or
rockets, or missiles, or space shuttles or birds or other air based items
with a multimode bit rate agile (BRA) and modulation demodulation (modem)
format selectable (MFS) signal modulator.