A power supply adapted to be coupled in series electrical connection
between an AC voltage source and an electrical load for generating a DC
voltage, the power supply comprising an energy storage capacitor, the DC
voltage produced across the capacitor; a charging circuit adapted to be
coupled in series electrical connection between the source and the load
and to conduct a load current from the source to the load, the charging
circuit coupled to the energy storage capacitor for charging the energy
storage capacitor; a controllably conductive device coupled in parallel
electrical connection with the charging circuit and having a control
input for rendering the controllably conductive device conductive, the
controllably conductive device adapted to carry the load current from the
source to the load when the controllably conductive device is conductive;
and a triggering circuit coupled to the control input of the controllably
conductive device for causing the controllably conductive device to
become conductive when the energy storage capacitor has charged to a
desired maximum value; wherein the charging circuit is adapted to conduct
the load current from the source to the load when the controllably
conductive device is non-conductive, the charging circuit imposing a low
voltage drop relative to the peak value of an AC voltage of the AC
voltage source, such that substantially all of the AC voltage is
available to the load during the time when the controllably conductive
device is non-conductive.