A swelling element rate regulation technique and product features an outer
coating on a core of an element. The core is reactive to hydrocarbons or
water depending on how it is configured. The surrounding coating is
preferably formed of fine ground particles of a non-swelling polymer
mixed in a solvent such as methyl-ethyl-ketone that is applied in a thin
layer to the core exterior. This uncured outer layer is then contacted by
a patterned surface. The patterned surface is pressed firmly against the
uncured polymer/solvent mixture and transfers an inverse of the pattern
to the surface of the coating. As pressure is applied, heat may also be
applied to cure the coating. The resulting pattern is designed such that
openings in the coating are created that regulate infiltration of water
or other fluids through it and, as a result, the rate of swelling in the
wellbore. Swell rate in governed in part by the ratio of the exposed area
of the swelling compound to the total volume of the swelling compound.
The smaller this ratio, the slower the rate of swell. The pattern created
in the non-swelling layer may also provide limited mechanical restraint
of the swelling element, further slowing the process.