A tubular plug flow digester system assembled from manufactured
components, including a holding/heating tank (15) connected to a manifold
(14) that feeds a single or multiple parallel injection pumps (12). These
pumps force feedstock though check valves (13) and into single or
parallel digester hulls. This hulls are composed of manufactured parts
including tapered end sections (11) and hull sections (10) that can be
assembled onsite to a configuration that accommodates operational needs.
Biogas produced by this digester is pressurized due to a liquid column
created by an elevated effluent outlet (25). Feedstock is inoculated with
relevant microorganisms that promote the generation of methane-rich
biogas. Inoculation members (26) positioned within the hulls shelter
biofilms containing these microbes while allowing regions of the biofilm
to slough or naturally release microbes into the flowing feedstock
stream. Biogas is collected through a manifold (22) and its release is
controlled by a regulator or a valve.