A dust cap and a dust plug for installation with optical fiber connectors
and optical fiber adapters respectively. The dust cap and the dust plug
have features that protect an optical interface on the optical fiber
connector and the optical fiber adapter from contamination. At least an
exterior portion of the dust cap and the dust plug illuminate when
installed on the optical fiber connector and the optical fiber adapter
terminating an optical fiber transmitting visible light. The dust cap and
the dust plug have features that reduce the intensity of a high power
optical signal emitted from the optical fiber terminated by the optical
fiber connector and optical fiber adapter. A first embodiment diffracts
the optical signal, thereby reducing its intensity. A second embodiment
disburses the optical signal, thereby reducing its intensity. A third
embodiment absorbs high power frequencies of the optical signal and
transmits certain visible frequencies. The dust cap and the dust plug
function as a safe, visual fiber optic circuit continuity detector.