System, device, method, and computer program and computer program products
for providing communicating between devices having similar or dissimilar
characteristics and facilitating seamless interoperability between them.
Computer program software and methods of and systems and devices for
sharing of content, applications, resources and control across similar
and dissimilar permanently or intermittently connected electronic
devices. Devices, systems, appliances, and the like communicating and/or
interoperating within the framework provided. Interoperability
application driven error recovery system, method, and model. System and
method keeps track of shared state and provides mechanism for
communications errors to be relayed to an application and for application
to relay recovery information directly to communications processing
units. Thus applications running across devices can seamlessly recover
from intermittent complete losses of communications between cooperating
devices and recovery of shared state of devices when connection is
restored even where previously lost device has itself lost all its
application state.