A non-surgical device used to duplicate a protruding or non-protruding nipple and areola containing sebaceous glands (Montgomery follicles) and sweat glands, creating the most natural-looking nipple and areola possible. The device will function as a nipple prosthesis, nipple enhancer or a nipple protector. At the user's discretion, the vertex can be shaped in several polyhedral angles, such as rounded, squared and pointed. The nipple portion may be custom sized by cutting for either erect, non-erect, rounded, squared or have a pointed look or it may be left in its original size.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Automated methods for isolating and using clinically safe adipose derived regenerative cells

> Cosmetic composition to accelerate repair of functional wrinkles

> WNT-regulated cytokine-like polypeptide and nucleic acids encoding same

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