Disclosed is an apparatus, method, and program product that enables distribution of operating system resources on a nodal basis in the same proportions as the expected system workload. The preferred embodiment of the present invention accomplishes this by assigning various types of weights to each node to represent their proportion of the overall balance within the system. Target Weights represent the desired distribution of the workload based on the existing proportions of processor and memory resources on each node. The actual workload balance on the system is represented by Current Weights, which the operating system strives to keep as close to the Target Weights as possible, on an ongoing basis. When the system is started, operating system services distribute their resources nodally in the same proportions as the Target Weights, and can request to be notified if the Target Weights ever change. If processors and/or memory are subsequently added or removed, new Target Weights are calculated at that time, and all services which requested notification are notified so they can redistribute their resources according to the new Target Weights or a stepwise refinement thereof.

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