A method of detecting the extent of a lung nodule in a scan image
comprises fine segmenting (14) a region around the nodule into foreground
and background, filling holes within foreground areas (16), region
growing the foreground (18) to identify an initial region of interest,
determining a mask (20) by enlarging the initial region to contain
background and to exclude other foreground regions, determining a spatial
map (26) of connectivity within the mask to a point within the initial
region, region growing (28) within the mask and determining the maximum
edge contrast (30) during region growing. The region of maximum edge
contrast identifies the extent of the nodule (32). The position of the
nodule may a seed point identified by the user (12). Most preferably, an
optimum seed point is determined by iterative determination of seed
points (22, 24) so that the determined extent of the nodule is
substantially independent of the precise location of the seed point
identified by the user.