The present invention relates to an apparatus for altering the course of a
moving article and a method thereof comprising of a launching aircraft or
surface craft to deploy said apparatus towards a moving article. The
apparatus comprises of a driving mechanism (10), wherein said driving
mechanism (10) further comprises of a plurality of sections such as a
nose section (12), a propulsion section (14), a drag chute section (16)
and a cutting section (18), and wherein said sections are integrally
connected with one another in a tight and secure manner. The driving
mechanism (10) is capable to be launched from an aircraft or a surface
craft towards a target and wherein upon launch said driving mechanism
(10) is capable of steering itself on its own towards its target and
thereafter attaching itself to the target and wherein by using the drag
chute section (16). The driving mechanism (10) is designed and configured
to alter the initial trajectory or direction of the target to another
direction by dragging it and wherein permanently changing the course of
the said target.