A web server system provides for the secure exchanging files with a remote
transfer server over an open network such as the Internet. The transfer
server operates a plurality of transfer methods. Exemplary transfer
methods comprise: i) a log-on method comprising steps for returning a
session ID to an authenticated transfer client; ii) an active event keys
method comprising steps for returning each of a plurality of event keys
associated with the transfer client; iii) a read event method comprising
steps for returning event parameters associated with an event key, iv) an
upload method comprising steps for receiving and storing a binary object
in an object storage and associating the binary object with an object ID
value in an ownership table; v) a process binary object method comprising
steps for determining data elements within the binary contents of the
file an loading the data elements into an application table in accordance
with the loading rules; and vi) a set owner method comprising steps for
associating the identification of a second transfer client with the
object ID value in the ownership table.