A method of measurement of mitotic activity from histopathological
specimen images initially identifies image pixels with luminances
corresponding to mitotic figures and selects from them a reference pixel
to provide a reference color. Pixels similar to the reference color are
located; image regions are grown on located pixels by adding pixels
satisfying thresholds of differences to background and image region
luminances. Grown regions are thresholded in area, compactness,
width/height ratio, luminance ratio to background and difference between
areas grown with perturbed thresholds. Grown regions are counted as
indicating mitotic figures by thresholding region number, area and
luminance. An alternative method of measuring mitotic activity measures a
profile of an image region and counts the image region as corresponding
to a mitotic figure if its profile is above a threshold at an intensity
associated with mitotic figures. A mitotic figure is also indicated if
the profile does not meet the previous criterion but has three other
values satisfying respective threshold criteria.