A fabricated vehicle axle is shown to include a main body having an
inverted U-shaped configuration. The fabricated vehicle axle further
includes a continuous bottom plate welded to the main body. The
fabricated axle also includes a first king pin top plate having a
reversed curved fork portion welded to the main body at one end thereof.
Similarly, the fabricated vehicle axle includes a second king pin top
plate having a reversed curved fork portion welded to the main body at an
opposite end thereof. Still further, the fabricated vehicle axle includes
a first gooseneck part welded to the first king pin top plate and the
first end of the bottom plate. Similarly, the fabricated vehicle axle
includes a second gooseneck part welded to the second king pin top plate
and the second end of the bottom plate.REEXAMINATION RESULTSThe questions
raised in reexamination request 90/007,703, filed Sep. 1, 2005 have been
considered and the results thereof are reflected in this reissue patent
which constitutes the reexamination certificate required by 35 U.S.C. 307
as provided in 37 CFR 1.570(e), for ex parte reexaminations, or the
reexamination certificate required by 35 U.S.C. 316 as provided in 37 CFR
1.99(e) for inter partes reexaminations.