An apparatus for vaporizing and blowing vaporized pesticide from a container into a bee hive comprising: i) an elongate housing having a top side portion, an open front discharge end portion and a partially closed rear end portion; ii) a heated receptacle positioned within a front portion of the housing; iii) a fan positioned within a rear portion of the housing; iv) a longitudinal slide, slidingly positioned within the top side portion of the housing, said slide having a rear manipulation end portion extending through the rear end portion of the elongate housing and a front end portion having a dosimetric cavity therethrough; and, v) a container receptacle to receive the pesticide container carried inverted on the top side portion of the elongate housing, positioned above the slide and configured so that when the dosimeter cavity is aligned beneath the container, the dosimeter cavity fills with pesticide, and then when the slide is moved sufficiently longitudinally, the pesticide is delivered to and then falls through an opening onto the heated receptacle to be vaporized, and thereafter is blown by the fan through the discharge end portion of the housing into the bee hive.


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~ 00541