A CAD system pre-analyzes a medical image to automatically determine
whether contrast agent was introduced into the patient before forming
that image. In one embodiment, contrast agent detection is performed by
comparing the voxel values in known blood-containing areas to voxel
values of known water-containing areas, and if there is a substantial
difference above a preferred threshold, then it is determined that this
patient was indeed injected with the contrast agent. Upon finding that
the patient was indeed injected with contrast agent, the CAD algorithm
then automatically performs both a detection algorithm that uses the
contrast agent and one that does not and notifies the clinician that both
sets of results are available to look at. However, if it is determined
that the patient was, not injected with contrast agent, the CAD algorithm
does not perform the algorithm that uses the contrast agent does not give
the user the option to view any results from such algorithm. The
invention may be practiced with a variety of imaging technologies some of
which may not require an explicit comparison of the voxel values from the
blood-containing and water-containing areas.