The present invention discloses a method and system for specifying and
executing computing tasks in a preboot execution environment in general,
and, in particular, a method and system for generalized imaging utilizing
a language agent and encapsulated object oriented polyphase preboot
execution and specification language. The target customization is
advantageously accomplished by encapsulating target dependent parameters
in specification files. The target specific parameters are resolved at
appropriate execution time when the parameter information becomes
available. Such approach simplifies specification of complex tasks to a
merely few lines of code. The approach of the present invention
nevertheless affords reliable, robust, and accurate performance, because
the pertinent parametric information are resolved only when they can be
accurately ascertained. Furthermore, the specification encapsulations are
themselves a part of the image set, providing self-describing images with
self-contained imaging methods. The result is a robust, reliable,
flexible, and simple method and system for centralized maintenance and
management of client devices in a networked enterprise computing
environment with a lower total cost of ownership than existing products.