An apparatus for coating medical devices at the point of care with a
polymer and/or therapeutic agent comprising an environmentally controlled
device coating chamber in which the device may be delivered by the
manufacturer as the device packaging, or the device may be placed into
the chamber at the point of care. The environmentally controlled chamber
can provide a sterile enclosure in which the polymer and/or a therapeutic
agent can be applied to an uncoated or previously coated device and
converted to another form (such as a liquid to a film or gel) if desired,
under controlled and reproducible conditions. The environmentally
controlled chamber can accommodate and provide for coating the device by
immersion, spray and other methods of covering the device surface with a
liquid or powder. The chamber can provide for energy sources, both
internally, such as heat produced by film heaters, and externally, such
as UV light or microwave passing through the enclosure. The chamber may
allow for changes in atmosphere to affect the coating, such as the
introduction of certain gases and introducing pressure or vacuum.