A first sheet metal is configured into an enclosure and first and second
pluralities of fingers are bent inwardly from the sheet metal to serve
retention fingers, the first plurality frictionally engaging the outside
of a honeycomb material to retain it in the enclosure while the second
plurality serve as a limit stop to keep the honeycomb above the
electrical device being protected. The honeycomb may have two sets of
oppositely angled honeycomb cells, one capturing airflow from a fan and
drawing it into the enclosure which the second set permits convective air
currents to rise upwardly out of the enclosure. Alternatively, the cells
of the honeycomb may be vertical convective air currents will flow under
the wall of the enclosure, with or without the aid of a fan, the
vertically directed cells of the honeycomb creating a chimney effect to
dissipate the heat.