A table converter is disclosed that enables a user to convert any table,
or portion of a table, displayed on a web page to a spreadsheet control
embedded in the webpage. The table converter is a web browser plug-in or
feature comprising a table analysis program (TAP); a table conversion
program (TCP), a spreadsheet configuration program (SCP), a spreadsheet
modification program (SMP), a configurable table engine (CTE), and a
configurable table template (CTT). The CTE contains a rules database. The
TAP interrogates the highlighted hypertext markup language (HTML) table
structure , , and | tags, and
text for delimiters. The TCP maps the table headings and data to a
configurable table engine (CTE). The CTE inserts the headings and data
into a configurable table template (CTT), and displays the CTT on the web
page at a user configurable location. The SCP enables a user to automate
the process, to add or subtract columns or rows from the table, and to
add calculation functions. Automation options include both locating and
converting a table displayed on a web page.
< Method, a hypermedia communication system, a hypermedia server, a hypermedia client, and computer software products for accessing, distributing, and presenting hypermedia documents
> Browser based web site generation tool and run time engine
> Methods for surveying dissemination of proprietary empirical data
~ 00545