A short chain-like ferrule structure 15 includes a plurality of ferrules
2, and an interconnecting portion 16 interconnecting the plurality of
ferrules 2. This ferrule structure includes a connection portion 20
provided at that portion of the interconnecting portion 16 projecting
from the ferrule 2 disposed at one end portion of the ferrule structure,
and a connection reception portion 21 which is provided at that portion
of the interconnecting portion 16 projecting from the ferrule 2 disposed
at the other end portion of the ferrule structure, and is engageable with
the connection portion 20 of another short chain-like ferrule structure.
Projections 23 are formed at the connection portion 20, and project from
the interconnecting portion 16, and holes 25 for the passage of the
projections 23 of another short chain-like ferrule structure therethrough
are formed in the connection reception portion 21, and extend through the
interconnecting portion 16. The connection portion 20 and the connection
reception portion 21 provided respectively at any two adjacent short
chain-like ferrule structures 15 beforehand molded are connected
together, thereby forming a chain-like ferrule structure 1.