A proprotor blade (27a, 27b, 127a, 127b) having a fixed, spanwise, leading
edge slot (215) located in at least the inboard portion of the proprotor
is disclosed. The slot (215) is formed by a selectively shaped slat (217)
disposed in a selectively shaped recessed area (219) located at the
leading edge (202) of the main portion of the proprotor blade. The slot
(215) is selectively shaped so the a portion of the airflow over the
lower airfoil surface of the proprotor blade is diverted between the main
portion of the proprotor blade and the slat (217) and exits at the upper
airfoil surface of the proprotor blade. The present invention may be used
on both military-type tiltrotor aircraft (11) and civilian-type tiltrotor
aircraft (111) with only minor variations to accommodate the different
shapes of the proprotor blades.