A bulk-doped semiconductor may be at least one of the following: a single
crystal, an elongated and bulk-doped semiconductor that at any point
along its longitudinal axis, has a largest cross-sectional dimension less
than 500 nanometers, and a free-standing and bulk-doped semiconductor
with at least one portion having a smallest width of less than 500
nanometers. At least one portion of such a semiconductor may have a
smallest width of less than 200 nanometers, or less than 150 nanometers,
or less than 100 nanometers, or less than 80 nanometers, or less than 70
nanometers, or less than 60 nanometers, or less than 40 nanometers, or
less than 20 nanometers, or less than 10 nanometers, or even less than 5
nanometers. Such a semiconductor may be doped during growth. Such a
semiconductor may be part of a device, which may include any of a variety
of devices and combinations thereof.