A method and apparatus for a gaming promotional printer for use within a
cashless enabled gaming machine are disclosed. A gaming promotional
printer includes a coupon database describing a stack of coupons that are
specified using a template based couponing printer language. A coupon is
selected for creation and issued to the player based on a matrix of
event-based triggers involving factors or parameters known to the gaming
promotional printer directly or supplied by master promotional
controller. Triggers may include the time of day, the date or amount of a
cash-out voucher to be issued to a player, the duration of play on a
gaming machine, a player classification, the amount of money or credits
added to a game, or a random frequency of coupon issuance having
satisfied any or all of the aforementioned factors. The gaming
promotional printer may further include the ability to store all of the
coupons, trigger conditions, and related information resident in the
gaming promotional printer in a non-volatile fashion thus enabling a host
system to download a promotional environment into the gaming promotional
printer which will run promotional campaigns on behalf of the hosting