A new light modulating material using interconnected unidirectionally
oriented microdomains of a liquid crystal, dispersed in a stressed
polymer structure, is provided. The light modulating material is prepared
by dissolving the liquid crystal in an uncured monomer and then curing
the monomer so that the polymer forms a well-developed interpenetrating
structure of polymer chains or sheets that is uniformly dispersed through
the film. When the film is subjected to stress deformation the liquid
crystal undergoes a change in its unidirectional orientation. The
concentration of the polymer is high enough to hold the shear stress, but
is as low as possible to provide the highest switch of the phase
retardation when an electric field is applied. The new materials are
optically transparent and provide phase modulation of the incident light
opposed to the low driving voltage, linear electro-optical response, and
absence of hysteresis. It has been shown that these new materials may be
successfully used in display applications, optical modulator, and beam
steering devices.