An "ownership tag" in a special area of memory of a computer system
identifies an owner of the computer system by displaying the ownership
tag during initialization of the computer system. The ownership tag may
be presented during the installation and execution of the Basic Input
Output System. (BIOS) preferably during Power on Self Test (POST)
process. An administrator may access the ownership tag by interrupting
the process by pressing the an appropriate key, which transitions the
computer to an administrator set up mode. An administrator able to enter
the administrator password may then alter the contents of the protected
memory, changing the ownership tag. The ownership tag is preferably
stored in a region of memory not accessible to a typical user, but
accessible to an administrator aware of the administrator password. The
ownership tag is stored in a flash memory, which is very difficult to
remove from the system board, or to modify without administrator-level
security access. This makes it superior to conventional storage
mechanisms such as RTC RPM, hard disk, etc. since these are easily
modifiable and/or easily removable.