Provided are a method, system, and program for remote copying of updates
to primary and secondary storage locations subject to a copy
relationship. A first copy relationship is established between first and
second storage locations in a first storage system and second storage
system, respectively, wherein updates to the first storage locations are
copied to the second storage locations. A second copy relationship is
established between the first storage locations in the first copy
relationship and third storage locations in a third storage system,
wherein updates to the first storage locations are indicated in a first
bitmap. A suspended third copy relationship is established between the
second storage locations in the first copy relationship and the third
storage locations, wherein updates to the second storage locations are
indicated in a second bitmap. Updates are copied from the first or second
storage locations to the third storage locations, wherein the first or
second bitmap is capable of being used to determine updates for the first
or second storage locations to copy to the third storage locations.