A hitch adapter comprises an inner square tube member for receiving
Class-II 1.25'' drawbars and an outer U-channel member for plugging into
a Class-III 2'' receiver. The inner square tube and outer U-channel
members are welded together such that one wall of the inner square tube
bridges the gap between the distal edges on opposite legs of the outer
U-channel. One such leg of the outer U-channel is longer than the other
and is positioned and aligned to protrude about 1/16'' beyond the
adjacent outer corner of the inner square tube member. Such protrusion
nests into the respective inside corner of the particular Class-III 2''
receiver it is mated to. The protrusion provides a camming action to take
up any looseness and slack, and thereby eliminate wobble and rattle when
installed by a user. A series of hitch pin holes allows a threaded hitch
pin to pass through the adapter, a Class-II 1.25'' drawbar and a
Class-III 2'' receiver. Threads inside the Class-II 1.25'' drawbar engage
the hitch pin threads and provide the user a way to secure the whole