A system is disclosed which has a first camshaft coupled to a first
gearwheel via a camshaft adjuster, the camshaft adjuster allowing the
camshaft to be rotated with respect to the gearwheel, and a second
camshaft fixedly coupled to a second gearwheel. The first and second
gearwheels are coupled to a crankshaft via a belt or a chain. The
camshaft adjuster is fixed to the first camshaft by a first fastener; the
second gearwheel is fixed to the second camshaft by a second fastener.
The fasteners are arranged at substantially the same depth, as assembled.
The fasteners may be screws, adhesives, or welds. The second gearwheel
includes: a gearwheel body having teeth, a disk-shaped body, and a spacer
between the gearwheel basic body and the disk-shaped body, by which the
axial length of the spacer causes the depth of the first and second
fasteners to be substantially equivalent.