A solar electrolysis power co-generation system includes a solar
electrolysis source and a control unit. The solar electrolysis source
includes a solar panel, an electrolysis unit, a hermetically sealed
compressor, a hydrogen tank, and a hydrogen-powered fuel cell and
produces, compresses, and stores hydrogen gas that is used to fuel the
fuel cell. The control unit includes an inverter, a microprocessor, and a
modem. The control unit connects the solar electrolysis power source with
a power grid and with an individual consumer having an electrical load.
The power co-generation system utilizes the electrolysis of water and
solar energy to power a fuel cell. The energy produced with the fuel cell
may be provided to an existing power gird as well as to an individual
consumer. Further a method for decentralized power co-generation includes
the step of providing a plurality of solar electrolysis power
co-generation systems.