In the field of direct mind-machine interactions, prior art devices and
methods do not provide sufficiently fast and reliable results. Mental
influence detectors (100, 140, 400, 430) and corresponding methods
provide fast and reliable results useful for detecting an influence of
mind and hidden or classically non-inferable information. An anomalous
effect detector (100) includes a source (104) of non-deterministic random
numbers (110), a converter (114) to convert a property of numbers, a
processor to accept converter output (118) and to produce an output
signal (124) representative of an influence of mind. The processor output
signal (124) contains fewer numbers than the input (110). A quantum
computer (400) includes a physical source of entropy (404) to generate
output numbers (405); a source (406) of test numbers (407); a measurement
processor 410) to accept output numbers (405) and to measure a
relationship between process numbers and at least one test number to
produce an output (414) representative of an influence of mind.