The present invention relates to a wetness detector system that rapidly
detects the presence of wetness due to a liquid leak in a system. The
wetness detector system contains a reusable wetness sensor that is able
to accurately detect the presence of wetness and, in the case of an
extracorporeal blood treatment, the presence of blood. The wetness
detector system can quickly alert both a user and medical personnel that
a liquid leak has been detected in a treatment system and, if necessary,
halt the removal of liquids and/or blood from the patient. If a liquid
leak is not detected for a period of time, the wetness sensor can enter a
low power state, extending the life of the device. The wetness detector
system can monitor a number of wetness sensors simultaneously, which
would, for example, eliminate the need for medical personnel to
continuously inspect numerous patients visually for potentially fatal
blood leaks due to needle dislodgement during an extracorporeal blood