To obtain an excellent edge enhancement effect even when dynamic .gamma.
correction processing is executed for an edge-enhanced image signal, and
to obtain an excellent edge enhancement effect for various
.gamma.-characteristics. An edge component is detected from an input
image signal. A .gamma. correction curve is calculated based on
characteristics of an image scene detected by a scene characteristic
detector, and its data is stored in a dynamic .gamma. correction RAM
table and an inverse gradient RAM table. A gain controller multiplies the
edge component by a control signal from the inverse gradient RAM table to
generate an edge enhancement signal which is in turn added to the image
signal to obtain an edge-enhanced signal. The inverse gradient RAM table
sends an inverse number of a gradient of a .gamma. correction curve
corresponding to a signal level of the inputted image signal as the
control signal to the gain controller. An edge-enhanced signal becomes an
image signal for which dynamic .gamma. correction is performed in
accordance with a dynamic .gamma. correction RAM table to be outputted.