A database tracks acquired and relinquished assets and permits assets to
be combined for like kind exchanges to realize a tax benefit.
Relinquished assets that have been depreciated to recover a tax benefit
are matched with acquired assets and a like kind exchange takes place
though a qualified intermediary. The tax basis for the relinquished
assets is transferred to the acquired assets and a further tax benefit is
obtained. A processing engine provides notification of transaction
details to appropriate parties, and records completed transactions. A
qualified intermediary conducts the like kind exchanges to provide a
buffer between the asset manager and realizations resulting from exchange
transactions. A trustee bank provides finding for purchase and sale of
assets, and all transaction information is recorded in a database
suitable for providing required regulatory reports. The system manages a
number of complex, arms length transactions in compliance with regulatory
requirements and reports details of the transactions to regulatory
authorities to obtain tax benefits.