A dynamic database reordering system provides a linguistics database that
contains words that are ordered according to a linguistics model that
dictates the order in which words are presented to a user. While a user
enters keystrokes on a keypad of a communications device is pressing
keys, the invention predicts the words, letters, numbers, or word stubs
that the user is trying to enter. The invention reorders the linguistics
model order based on the user's usage of the system by tracking the
user's word selections. Once a word has been selected as a result of a
next key selection (the nexted word), a frequency value is applied to the
selected word and the word ordered first by the linguistics model in the
linguistics database for that key sequence. The frequency value of the
nexted word will become greater than the frequency value of the first
displayed word upon repeated nexting to the same word. Subsequent user
entries of the key sequence for the nexted word and the first ordered
word will result in displaying the nexted word before the word ordered
first by the linguistics model.