An optical vector modulator includes an information generator that
generates a plurality of N-bit streams at an output where each of the
plurality of N-bit streams represents a desired modulation point in a
signaling constellation. A memory look-up table having an N-bit address
input retrieves a first and a second stored value that corresponds to the
N-bit address input, where each of the first and the second stored value
represent a respective one of a first and a second modulation vector of a
desired modulation point in the signaling constellation. A first and a
second digital-to-analog converter generates first and second analog
signals, respectively, that correspond to respective ones of the first
and second modulation vectors of the desired modulation points in the
signaling constellation. A dual-drive interferometric modulator modulates
the first and the second analog signals on the optical beam to obtain the
desired modulation points in the signaling constellation.