Disclosed is a method of producing a composite material suitable for the
manufacturing of gypsum wallboard and ceiling tile applications, produced
by co-calcining dihydrate (gypsum) to hemihydrate/stucco and cooking of
unmodified/raw starch to cooked starch together. The method disclosed
improves the standard wallboard and ceiling tile processing techniques
thereby lowering the manufacturing cost of both products. The
co-calcining of gypsum and the unmodified starch together eliminates the
calcining of dihydrate ground gypsum (powder natural or synthetic gypsum)
and cooking of unmodified starch (powder) separately prior to using the
materials in the wallboard and ceiling tile formulations. The unmodified
starch can be also added to the gypsum rocks during the grinding and
calcining process to produce composite material. Furthermore, unmodified
starch can be added to the wet synthetic gypsum such as FGD (flue gas
desulphurization etc.), dried or dried and calcined together. The use of
composite material in both product formulations eliminates or minimizes
the processing steps and lowers the energy cost by partially or
completely replacing standard hemihydrate/stucco and starch during the