A modular multi-component power distribution system is provided having a
plurality of modular components which are configurable into a bus-bar
based system, a flexible cable base system and a hybrid configuration
wherein the bus-bar and flexible cable components are interconnected
together. The components allow for configuration of the power
distribution system into a variety of office systems including wall panel
systems, desking or freestanding furniture systems and raised flooring
systems either individually or in various combinations. The system
components include a bus-bar-like power distribution assembly (PDA),
branching connectors, flex connectors, which are useable to join power
distribution assemblies together, and receptacles which are pluggable
into either the power distribution assembly, the branching connectors or
the flex connectors. Additionally, the power distribution assembly
includes solid-wire electrical conductors which are accessible through
multiple groups of plug openings to which any of the connectors and
receptacles may be plugged. Still further, the flexible branching
connectors are joinable serially together to distribute power and also
may plug into the PDAs. The branching connectors further include at least
one group of openings on each end to allow for the connection of
additional system components like a branching connector or a receptacle.