An analog to digital converter (ADC) includes a digital ramp generator, an
analog voltage comparator, a digital to analog converter (DAC) and a data
storage device. The digital ramp generator includes first and second
counters. The counter outputs an incremental code to a second counter so
that the output code of the second counter varies by the incremental
code. The second counter outputs a digital ramp code to respective inputs
of the DAC and the data storage device. The DAC outputs an analog voltage
to an input of the analog voltage comparator which switches logic states
when the output analog voltage of the DAC equals an input voltage
received at the analog voltage comparator. The data storage device stores
a code of the digital ramp code received at the data storage device at
the switching of the logic state of the analog voltage comparator. The
first counter varies the incremental code by an incremental step in
response to a clock signal.