An inching mechanism for a scanning probe microscope capable of performing
measurement with high precision while enhancing the scanning speed by a
probe furthermore, and a scanning probe microscope comprising it. The
inching mechanism for a scanning probe microscope which is provided in a
scanning probe microscope (SPM) (1) having a stage (16) for mounting a
sample S, and a probe (20) approaching closely to or touching the surface
of the sample S, characterized in that the inching mechanism comprises a
first drive section and a second drive section provided independently, a
probe inching mechanism (26) having the first drive section and inching,
by the first drive section, the probe (20) in the X direction and Y
direction parallel with the surface of the sample S and intersecting each
other, and a stage inching mechanism (27) having the second drive section
and inching, by the second drive section, the stage (16) in the Z
direction perpendicular to the surface of the sample S.