The inventions are for methods of forming and delivering a treatment fluid
into a wellbore. In one aspect, methods are provided of treating a base
aqueous solution to obtain a first aqueous solution, for example, to have
a substantially reduced concentration of at least one component relative
to the concentration of the component in the base aqueous solution, and
using the first aqueous solution and a lower-quality water, such as the
base aqueous solution, to form a treatment fluid. The first aqueous
solution and the lower-quality water are merged after pumping the fluid
portions toward the wellbore. The component is selected for being
deleterious to the use or performance of a treatment fluid. More
particularly, the component is selected from the group consisting of: a
dissolved ion, oil, grease, a production chemical, and suspended,
water-insoluble solids. This allows the use of lower-quality water for
some of the water required for making up the treatment fluid.