The invention generally relates to vehicle diagnostic systems and their
methods of use, and more particularly, to a hand-held automotive
diagnostic code-reader/scan tool with data link connector (DTC) which
straps to the user's arm and is comprised of a touch screen, a VIN bar
code/number scanner, a credit card reader, a printer, and internet and
cell phone connections to a variety of servers for credit card approval,
billing and vehicle diagnostics. The credit card is scanned and billed
followed by scanning the vehicle VIN number or bar code and sending the
information to the vehicle OBD2 server who identifies the vehicle, orders
the handheld tool to perform certain tests upon the vehicle and in turn
performs a diagnosis. A live wireless cell phone connection may be made,
if necessary, with a technician at the OBD2 server for tech support. Test
results are returned to the hand tool which prints out the results,
prints a credit card receipt and sends a record of the transaction to the
operators server Corp. for record keeping.