A valve actuation system for providing added motion in the valve mechanism
of an internal combustion engine with at least one inlet valve and at
least one exhaust valve is provided. The valve mechanism includes a
rotatable camshaft including rising and falling ramps designed to
interact with a valve control plunger inside a cylinder for actuation of
the inlet or exhaust valve under the action of a valve spring. The
cylinder communicates with a hydraulic fluid feed line via a check valve
and with a hydraulic control circuit allowing a return movement of a
valve to be delayed in relation to the timing of the corresponding
falling ramp. The hydraulic control circuit includes a first and a second
hydraulic fluid flow restrictor connected to the control plunger cylinder
at different levels along its longitudinal axis. A selector valve enables
a connection between the cylinder and hydraulic fluid return line to be
opened via either one only or both flow restrictors.